The Workers Compensation Law is meant to safeguard the interest of the worker who has suffered an injury or illness at the workplace. So is at least in letter and spirit. But anyone who has filed a workers compensation claim would tell you that grasping the law can be difficult. As you go deeper into the law you’d note that there is no clear direction as to the steps you should take. This is where you need a workers compensation attorney to move your case forward and ensure that you are able to get maximum compensation and benefits that take into account the injury you have suffered, your future treatment cost and wage protection.
At the Law office of James Latimer one of the common doubts that most clients come up with is regarding the need to seek a second opinion when there is a disagreement with the treating doctor. This disagreement may come up due to several reasons such as the seriousness of the injury, the treatment that is required for recovery and your ability to resume normal life post-recovery. The law permits you to seek workers comp second opinion in California, but when do you know the need to seek second opinion? Let’s delve into this further in this blog.
When Should You Seek Second Opinion in California?
As an injured worker, you have every right to seek the best possible treatment to help you recover from your condition. The treatment that you are receiving from the Medical Network should provide you with treatment that is responsive and satisfactory. You may seek a second opinion in cases related to surgery, impairment, restrictions and even for conservative treatment that has been planned by your doctor. Let us take a few scenarios where you should try and explore the option of seeking second opinion –
- You are finding the treatment unresponsive and feel the doctor isn’t administering the right treatment
- You need another expert’s advice before going for an amputation or any other kind of surgery that would have lasting effects on your life
- Your doctor refuses to listen to your complaints or opinion about the treatment and is not following the standard procedures of patient care
- You are in pain and yet your doctor has raised his/her hands up and says nothing more can be done
- You don’t trust the opinion of your treating doctor and have a valid reason behind your feeling
- Your employer’s insurer has influenced the treating doctor to change the opinion about your physical restriction and your doctor has complied with their demand
What Should You Do?
The first step to seeking second opinion is to do so within the same Medical Network. This is relatively easy as the network or your insurer isn’t likely to create any obstacles when you are seeking opinion of another network. But in most cases injured workers want to seek second opinion outside the network. The insurance company may refuse to pay your bills for the second opinion, treatment and rehabilitation costs when you choose a treatment plan with an expert outside the medical network.
It is important for you to understand that seeking second opinion is well within the rights of any injured worker and the insurance company cannot force you to seek second opinion within its own network. To challenge the insurance company you will need a reputable attorney to stand by your side and help you process your claim for a second opinion in the right way. James Latimer, attorney with expertise in workers comp law has handled such cases in the past. Their law office has a proven track record in defending the rights of the clients and ensuring they receive best medical care and compensation for their injuries.
Don’t risk losing your compensation claim while seeking workers comp second opinion in California. Work with a seasoned attorney and they shall protect your rights.